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Healthier Futures with Adolescent Health Awareness Programs

The Adolescent Health Awareness Program (AHAP) at Youth for Seva stands as a testament to our commitment to the future of India—a future shaped by the well-being and empowerment of its 243 million adolescents.

Representing 23% of the nation's population, these young individuals are not just a significant demographic but the very architects of tomorrow's India. The AHAP, taking a leaf from the commendable Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK), aims to nurture this demographic by focusing on critical areas such as nutrition, reproductive health, and the prevention of substance abuse.

We recognize that the journey from adolescence to adulthood is one filled with transformation and growth, and our program is dedicated to ensuring that every adolescent has the support they need to make this journey a positive and healthy one.

Goal: Rs900,000.00
Collected: Rs0.00


Our Impact
Your active support and contribution has made a significant impact in our
neighborhood and we look forward to many more such engagements.

AHAP’s Philosophy

Central to the AHAP's philosophy is the belief in the power of adolescent participation and leadership. By fostering an environment of inclusion and gender equity, we empower these young minds to take charge of their health and well-being.

Through community-based interventions and the mobilization of peer educators, AHAP mirrors the RKSK's vision, ensuring that every young person has access to the information and services they need.

Our program is not just about addressing the immediate health needs of India's youth; it's about equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions, the confidence to lead with conviction, and the courage to advocate for their rights and those of their peers.


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