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After School Learning
A Little Extra Help

At our After School Learning Centers, we provide an enriching environment that goes beyond the regular school day, offering evening tuitions that focus on core subjects such as Maths, Science, and English.

We understand that many students face challenges in these areas, which is why we utilize state-of-the-art E-Classrooms to deliver an enhanced educational experience. Our dedicated instructors work closely with each child to ensure they grasp complex concepts and improve their academic performance.

Goal: Rs900,000.00
Collected: Rs0.00


Our Impact
Your active support and contribution has made a significant impact in our
neighborhood and we look forward to many more such engagements.

Accelerating Academic Progress

We understand that learning isn't confined to academics alone. We believe in the holistic development of children, which is why we introduce them to a variety of extra-curricular activities throughout the academic year. From Sports Events that foster teamwork and physical health to Cultural Events that celebrate diversity and creativity, our centers are buzzing with dynamic and engaging activities.
Furthermore, we emphasize Life Skills and Civic Awareness, training children in human values, and imparting knowledge about their roles and responsibilities as citizens. Through exposure to arts, sports, visuals, and group activities, our programs aim to shape well-rounded individuals ready to contribute positively to society.


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