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Chingari – Igniting the spark in youth

Most of the students do not make a well-informed decision of their choice of degrees or career. Often the choice is influenced by peers, neighbors, etc who quite often have absolutely no idea about what they are suggesting. Most of our youth lack one direction and often tend to get lost in the flow. Abishek Aiyappan wanted to bridge this gap of ‘Lack of Vision’ and started Chingari movement.

Chingari moment is an initiative which takes up the responsibility of going to those in need of this information that is, youth from the age group of 15-24 that, One can become whatever they want to, provided they have a plan. A plan that is of a course they are going to choose, a career option they are going to opt for. Even what they are going to do in the current job or the course they are pursuing.

Abishek believes that Goals and visualizations can work magic, and with the right goals and action plan any one can become successful, life’s can change drastically. People will be happier doing their jobs, most importantly – when they take ownership of their life and craft it beautifully.


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