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Smiles are contagious, while patches are not!

Support Viitligo started off as a personal video project in 2014 for SushAmita, a person with vitiligo for 18+ years herself. It was released in 2017 an gained. #SupportVitiligo video received 500000+ Views, 7000+Shares & 14000+Likes within a week’s time. Many started approaching SupportVitiligo (SushAmita) for support. Gradually SushAmita received opportunities to sensitize people of different age groups at stalls, organizations, schools/learning centers etc. Vitiligo awareness has improved in the recent years. But still there needs to be a common cure since it impacts a person on a psychological front and is also a result of autoimmunity. Vitiligo/Leucoderma is not life threatening but the cause, i.e. autoimmunity needs to be monitored in the body. Increased inflammation may lead to something else as well, since autoimmunity is a spectrum. Hence awareness, support & lifestyle changes/ common cure is very important.

An initiative which started as an awareness video has now become a platform for awareness & support. It has touched the lives of many in India and also abroad.

Sushmita manages to do this over the weekends and balance it accordingly with her work schedule.


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